Karoliina Veijo


Valokuvataiteilija Karoliina Veijon erikoisalaa ovat arkkitehtuuripotretit sekä kerrostetut ja symmetriset teokset, joiden pääosassa ovat rakennukset ja luonto. Teosten linjat ja muodot edustavat hänen töissään valokuvan dokumentaarisuutta, kun taas värimaailma ja kerroksellisuus vievät katsojan milloin pop-taiteelle tunnusomaisen estetiikan pariin, milloin satumaisten mielikuvitusmaailmojen tunnelmiin.


New York

New York - Scrapers in the Spirit of Miami - Orange Sunset by K.Veijo
New York – Scrapers in the Spirit of Miami – Orange Sunset by K.Veijo
New York - Art Deco Scrapers by K.Veijo
New York – Art Deco Scrapers by K.Veijo
Part of a Triptych -- New York - Guggenheim Blocks - Black by K.Veijo
Part of a Triptych — New York – Guggenheim Blocks – Black by K.Veijo


New York - The Rain and Snow Fall of a Futuristic City by K.Veijo
New York – The Rain and Snow Fall of a Futuristic City by K.Veijo
New York - Scraper City Nights - Violet by K.Veijo
New York – Scraper City Nights – Violet by K.Veijo
New York - The Kingdom of Castles - The Beresford Castle by K.Veijo
New York – The Kingdom of Castles – The Beresford Castle by K.Veijo


London - The Sound of Big Ben by K.Veijo
London – The Sound of Big Ben by K.Veijo
London - Once Upon a Time at Whitehall... by K.Veijo
London – Once Upon a Time at Whitehall… by K.Veijo
London - St John's Smith Square - A Folding Reality by K.Veijo
London – St John’s Smith Square – A Folding Reality by K.Veijo


London - Nighttime at Whitehall by K.Veijo
London – Nighttime at Whitehall by K.Veijo
London - Charing Cross - The Rider by K.Veijo
London – Charing Cross – The Rider by K.Veijo
London - Trafalgar Square at Night by K.Veijo
London – Trafalgar Square at Night by K.Veijo

Helsinki, Sibelius Park

Sibelius Park - Graphic - The Coastline Pine Trees by K.Veijo
Sibelius Park – Graphic – The Coastline Pine Trees by K.Veijo
Sibelius Park - Metamorphosis - The Transition by K.Veijo
Sibelius Park – Metamorphosis – The Transition by K.Veijo
Sibelius Park - Graphic - The Accumulation of Reality by K.Veijo
Sibelius Park – Graphic – The Accumulation of Reality by K.Veijo